Archives for August 2017

Wanette, Oklahoma

This past Independence Day, my best friend and pho­to­graphic con­spir­a­tor Joe Crumley and I drove to see the aban­doned Gandini Circus camp in Edmond. It was a great dis­s­a­point­ment — most of the struc­tures are gone, and over­grown green­ery obscured the rest, mak­ing it unsuit­able to pho­to­graph. We decided to go south to a ghost town in Pottawatamie County. We didn’t find

Downtown Roosevelt, Oklahoma

is a small, all-but-aban­­doned town in west­ern Oklahoma. According to the lat­est cen­sus, the pop­u­la­tion num­bers 248. Today it’s known as a mas­sive auto­mo­bile morgue: sev­eral auto sal­vage com­pa­nies have set up shop there, and today the corpses of cars and trucks out­num­ber the liv­ing. The town once boasted a beau­ti­ful Art Deco high school, and across the street,… Read More …

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