Brad Fielder & Dan Martin (Song Swap at The Deli)
The Show
Peerless Pickers Swap Songs
A pair of Oklahoma’s premier songwriters sharing a stage should draw a crowd. But if it’s Monday night the week before finals in a university town, maybe not. Thus when Brad Fielder and Dan Martin started their late-night set at Campus Corner dive The Deli, [Sidenote: The Deli has probably facilitated the lifework of 10,000 alcoholics since opening on Campus Corner in 1973, but you’ve got to give them credit for their commitment to live entertainment. With live music seven days a week, their musicians’ residencies have provided bread-and-butter for countless artists. And in some cases they’ve kick-started careers: Parker Millsap’s Tuesday night residency at The Deli (begun before he was drinking-age) launched him on a trajectory that’s still rising.] the only audience besides me and one other customer were the audio engineer, the bartender, and four loud-mouthed boys-in-men’s-bodies. The latter were more interested in discussing strip clubs than showing deference to the artistry on display. Their loss. At least they left after the third song.
I’ve written elsewhere about Fielder’s and Martins’ songwriting, but additionally they are both excellent performers and players. In Fielder’s case especially, every performance is marked by masterful instrumental technique, even after six beers and two shots of whiskey! The singers’ mutual respect and easy-going camaraderie lent a loose and pleasurable air to this writer’s late Monday evening.

The photographs in this story were taken with a Hasselblad medium-format film camera on Kodak Tri-X. This was my first time using the Zeiss 150MM lens and I missed focus on the last two images; I provide them for posterity only.
- Camera
- Hasselblad 503CX with A12 back
- Lenses
- Carl Zeiss Distagon CF T* 50mm ƒ/4,0 (figures 1 – 4)
- Carl Zeiss Planar C T* 80mm ƒ/2,8 (figures 5 – 8)
- Carl Zeiss Sonnar CF T* 150mm ƒ/4,0 (figures 9 – 11)
- Aperture
- ƒ/8
- Exposure
- 1⁄125th second
- 400
- Strobe
- Vivitar 285HV powered by Quantum Instruments Turbo SC compact slim power pack
- Film
- Kodak Tri-X 400 Professional 120
- Developer
- Adox Adonal (Rodinal) 1:100
- ~60 minutes semi-stand in Paterson Super System 4 daylight tank
- Scanner
- Epson Perfection v850
- Software
- Vuescan
- Adobe Lightroom 6
- NIK Silver Efex Pro