Fun with Macro Photography
Goofing Off
Goofing Off
Astute readers may have noticed that I’ve been transitioning to using mostly my Fujifilm X-T1 camera, with my Leica M9-P relegated to backup duties. It’s compact and light like the Leica, has plenty of manual controls, and has better ISO performance. Fuji makes a special adapter that lets me use my M-mount lenses with it, and their own lenses are tack sharp, with beautiful color rendering and auto-focus.
Today I was goofing off with the Fujifilm Macro Extension Tube MCEX-16, which can be used on any interchangeable lens Fuji X-mount camera, even with my Leica and Zeiss M-mount lenses (but only with the M-mount adapter). All of the images were shot with the Fuji + the M-mount adapter and the macro tube supporting my Zeiss Ikon 50mm ƒ/1.5 C Sonnar T* ZM lens. Enjoy some of the resulting images!