Joe with Denise Crosby (He has no idea who she is)

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Circle of Confusion (Pt. 2)

This is part 2 of 4. If you haven’t read the pre­vi­ous parts, you should prob­a­bly .


Then Joe took a trip to Roswell. As I men­tioned in , Joe rides motor­cy­cles: BMWs, Kawasakis, and more recently, a Harley. He’s also inter­ested in UFOs and the Roswell Incident. I think he’s more inter­ested in the char­ac­ters who are drawn to them than to the alleged aliens and space­craft them­selves, but his inter­est is enough that he’s made sev­eral trips out there by motor­bike, always dur­ing the annual UFO convention.

Tin Hat Cuties
Tin Hat Cuties, Roswell, New Mexico

On his last trip to Roswell, Joe met Erik van ’t Woud. Erik, a pho­to­jour­nal­ist from the Netherlands, was shoot­ing with a Leica M cam­era — but it wasn’t a film cam­era; it was the lat­est and great­est dig­i­tal Leica. When Joe returned home, he told me about this Dutchman and his crazy cam­era, and showed me the Roswell pic­tures that Erik had emailed to him. Wow. These are ter­rific. This makes me want to make pic­tures, I thought. [Sidenote: What I was really think­ing was I want a cam­era like that!]

When Erik was in Roswell, he had no plans for the pic­tures he was mak­ing — maybe he’d put together a gallery exhi­bi­tion, maybe not. But this January, the pic­tures were pub­lished in book form, and in May, Joe lent me the copy Erik had mailed him. Inspired by what I saw, I began research­ing Leica cam­eras on the internet.

To be continued …

About Chris J. Zähller

International Man of Mystery. Cocktail Nerd. Occasionally designs websites. Sometimes snaps a picture or two.

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