RAD JAM Organizers Nico Lantelme, Oliver Holden-Moses, and Chase

Moore Tornado Relief RAD JAM



This arti­cle was updated at 2:10 PM -5:00 GMT on 19 August to clar­ify Chase, Oliver, and Nico’s ages.

Local teenagers organize longboarding charity event

Norman, Oklahoma

Chase Anderson and Oliver Holden-Moses, both age 14, and Nico Lantelme, age 13, are pretty nor­mal teenage boys — like many boys their age, they’re skate­board­ers. Specifically, they are long­board­ers, pre­fer­ring the longer style of board com­monly used for cruis­ing, down­hill rac­ing, slalom rac­ing, and “slid­ing.” But they’re also activists: on Sunday, 18 August, a great deal of worn shoe leather, many tele­phone calls, and much social media wran­gling cul­mi­nated in their fundraiser for the Moore tor­nado vic­tims, a long­board­ing event called RAD JAM. The boys acquired 17 spon­sors from the long­board­ing indus­try and attracted long­board­ers from as far away as Tulsa and Dallas.

Tanner Ruminer Going into a Slide
Tanner Ruminer Going into a Slide — Moore Tornado Relief RAD JAM

Participants were asked to donate $10 USD to par­tic­i­pate. The main com­pe­ti­tion, held at the begin­ning of the all-after­noon event, involved slid­ing. The long hill on John Saxon Boulevard served as a course, with chalk marks at the bot­tom to mea­sure the results. Prizes were also later thrown into the scrum of eager teenagers. The result was some­thing resem­bling a bridesmaid’s scram­ble for a bridal bou­quet, but with sweaty teenage boys.

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About Chris J. Zähller

International Man of Mystery. Cocktail Nerd. Occasionally designs websites. Sometimes snaps a picture or two.

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