Leica M3, manufactured ca. 1957


Hey, Aren’t Those All the Same Guy?

Leica M3, manufactured ca. 1957

Chris J. “Weegee” Zähller


Chris stud­ied fine art at the University of Oklahoma dur­ing the para­chute pants and Studio 54 era. A noto­ri­ous paparazzo, he’s often seen shov­ing his cam­era in vis­it­ing dig­ni­taries’ mugs, with­out so much as a “Pardon me!”

Manhattan Cocktail

Chris J. “Barkeep” Zähller


Chris’s 1st tip­ple was com­mu­nion wine. We’re not sure what his duties are; some­thing to do with mix­ing ves­per cock­tails “shaken until ice cold,” con­coct­ing new recipes for grena­dine, and putting up batches of pimento dram. Nevertheless, he makes for a relaxed atmos­phere in our offices.

Still Life with Typewriter & Dictionary

Chris J. “Hack” Zähller

Staff Writer

As edi­tor of his high school news­pa­per, Chris had the dis­tinc­tion of putting all 9 issues to bed late. His hob­bies include writ­ing ses­ti­nas about impre­sario Peter Meaden and mak­ing edi­tors cry.

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