Angelo and Helen

The Greek House

The Story

Beloved Campus Corner Eatery Gets New Owner

The aroma of grilling meat and pota­toes fry­ing in gyros grease per­me­ates the block around the busi­ness, guar­an­tee­ing a packed restau­rant on most days. But soon, Campus Corner insti­tu­tion The Greek House will have a new owner. After plac­ing the restau­rant on the mar­ket , Angelo and Helen Dimas have finally sold the beloved eatery.

Retiring owner Helen Dimas reviews an order — The Greek House

After thirty-three years of slic­ing meat from a ver­ti­cal spit and tak­ing cus­tomer orders, Angelo and his wife Helen are retir­ing. They’ve always closed the restau­rant dur­ing the Christmas and New Year hol­i­days to visit fam­ily in Greece; now they will be mov­ing back home. Their son, Bill, who will remain at the restau­rant for the time being, grad­u­ated from OU with a Masters in æro­space engi­neer­ing in 1989 before com­ing to work in his par­ents’ restaurant.

The restaurant’s new owner, who goes by ‘Moe“, was work­ing behind the counter along with Angelo, Helen, and Bill when I dropped by yes­ter­day for lunch. The fam­ily kindly allowed me to doc­u­ment one day of Angelo and Helen’s final week at the restau­rant, and took time out for infor­mal por­traits that evening, despite the early din­ner rush.

Moe, a slight, friendly man with a reflex­ive smile, was con­cerned that his cam­ou­flage print T-shirt might not pho­to­graph well, so he opted to change shirts. As you can see, Angelo did not; tend­ing the döner kebabı is hot work.

Changing of the Guard (Moe and Angelo)
New owner Moe and retir­ing owner Angelo. Moe was con­cerned that his cam­ou­flage print T-shirt might not pho­to­graph well, so he opted to change shirts. As you can see, Angelo did not; tend­ing the döner kebabı is hot work. — The Greek House

Angelo and Helen emi­grated from Prosymna, Greece in , open­ing The Greek House . The small Norman restau­rant orig­i­nally catered to the Iranian and Middle-Eastern stu­dents at OU. Eventually, other Norman res­i­dents dis­cov­ered the place, which is known for large por­tions, low prices, and deli­cious fla­vors. Especially beloved by Normanites are the gyros (rotis­serie broiled mix­ture of lamb and beef) and the accom­pa­ny­ing tra­di­tional yoghurt sauce (“Tzatziki”).

The Greek House is located at 768 Jenkins Avenue near Boyd Street in Norman, Oklahoma. They open at and close at every day except Sunday. Bring cash or your cheque­book; they don’t take credit cards.



When I orig­i­nally pub­lished this arti­cle, I included only a small selec­tion of pho­tos. The rest I posted on Flickr. I’ve since moved them here in response to Flickr’s changes to their terms of use.

About Chris J. Zähller

International Man of Mystery. Cocktail Nerd. Occasionally designs websites. Sometimes snaps a picture or two.

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