Water Tower (I) — The famous triple water towers in Okemah, Oklahoma. The city cannot afford to repair the two older towers, each nearly a century old, & may demolish them in 2015.

Woodyfest 2014: Backstage, Band Camp, & Okemah

Today’s post presents a photo gallery com­pris­ing images [Sidenote: This is the fifth post in our cov­er­age of the sev­en­teenth annual Woody Guthrie Folk Festival. We’ll be alter­nat­ing our report­ing with essays and photo gal­leries from the twenty-sec­ond fes­ti­val in 2019, so check in often for a mix of old and new Woodyfest good­ness.] I cap­tured in var­i­ous back­stage areas at the 2014 Woody Guthrie Folk Festival, along with pic­tures from the “Band Camp” encamp­ment at the Okemah Rodeo Grounds, plus any­thing else one wouldn’t cat­e­go­rize as per­for­mance pho­tog­ra­phy. The pic­tures are self-explana­tory, so that’s all I have to say!


About Chris J. Zähller

International Man of Mystery. Cocktail Nerd. Occasionally designs websites. Sometimes snaps a picture or two.

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