Woodyfest 2018: Erik the Viking & Blake Lankford
Erik & Blake
Americana Artists Share Beer Garden Stage
Festival Friday [Sidenote: You are reading the sixteenth feature in our ongoing Woodyfest 2018 coverage, featuring Erik the Viking and Blake Lankford.] proved to be uncomfortably hot in the beer garden attached to Lou’s Rocky Road Tavern. The previous day’s patio performances had been favored by a light breeze that made it feel even cooler than the air-conditioned Hen House, where the HVAC struggled with the radiant body heat of the packed-in audiences.
Still, a decent-sized crowd gathered to see Erik “The Viking” Oftedahl and Blake Lankford, two talented songwriters plumbing the depths of Americana. Oftedahl, a Minnesota transplant with an Okie heart, has since released his first full-length album on Tulsa’s Horton Records. It’s called Places, and recording took place at studios across Oklahoma. Woodyfest regular Jason Scott co-produced the album with Chris Bell; both appear on it along with festival regulars John Calvin Abney and Carter Sampson, among others.
It’s the best song I’ve written from a writing standpoint, and it’s a subtle reminder to worry less about the things completely out of my control.
Oklahoma native Lankford started making music at age eight, banging the drums for a gospel band, Hearts of Fire. He joined The Lonesome Few in 2006; a year later the Oklahoma City Gazette named them the metro’s No. 1 Country Band.
[…] f*$&# amazing songwriting!
A brief stint in Nashville ended with Lankford returning to Red Dirt, where his has firmly planted his boots. His upcoming release will be entitled The Closest Thing to You.
Oftedahl regularly plays Oklahoma City and Stillwater, with occasional dates in Tulsa and out-of-state. Lankford has upcoming shows in Oklahoma City, Norman, and Stillwater.
Gallery: Erik the Viking & Blake Lankford