John Fullbright — 22nd Annual Woody Guthrie Festival, 2019

Woodyfest 2019: John Fullbright

I wasn’t assigned to pho­to­graph John Fullbright at last year’s fes­ti­val, but I did catch this shot of [Sidenote: This is the ninth post in our cov­er­age of the twenty-sec­ond annual Woody Guthrie Folk Festival. We’ll be alter­nat­ing our report­ing with essays and photo gal­leries from the six­teenth fes­ti­val in 2013, so check in often for a mix of old and new Woodyfest good­ness.] Fullbright jam­ming with gui­tarist Terry “Buffalo” Ware and bassist Stephen Lee.

John Fullbright — 22nd Annual Woody Guthrie Festival, 2019
John Fullbright — 22nd Annual Woody Guthrie Festival, 2019

I always supp­ply the Woody Guthrie Coalition with three files for each image: a web-opti­mized ver­sion, a CMYK print-opti­mized ver­sion, and a greyscale ver­sion (also opti­mized for print). [Sidenote: The greyscale ver­sions are not straight black-and-white con­ver­sions. They include other adjust­ments such as tweak­ing the indi­vid­ual color chan­nels and addi­tional tonal adjust­ments when called for.] I’ve included a web ver­sion of the lat­ter so you can com­pare the color and black-and-white images.

About Chris J. Zähller

International Man of Mystery. Cocktail Nerd. Occasionally designs websites. Sometimes snaps a picture or two.

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