Siblings — 22nd Annual Woody Guthrie Festival, 2019

Woodyfest 2019: Kids’ Harmonica Class

The Class

Kids’ Harmonica Class

For the sec­ond straight year, Woodyfest [Sidenote: This is the eleventh post in our cov­er­age of the twenty-sec­ond annual Woody Guthrie Folk Festival. We’ll be alter­nat­ing our report­ing with essays and photo gal­leries from the six­teenth fes­ti­val in 2013, so check in often for a mix of old and new Woodyfest good­ness.] hosted an expanded children’s out­reach, fea­tur­ing sev­eral youth con­certs and work­shops. These included a children’s har­mon­ica class taught by fes­ti­val reg­u­lars Joe Baxter and John Williams. [Sidenote: In addi­tion to har­mon­ica, Williams sings and plays gui­tar with Gypsy Twang. Baxter, a beloved Oklahoma song­writer, was hon­ored by fel­low musi­cians with the record­ing of Tribute to the Songs of Joe Baxter, a com­pi­la­tion fea­tur­ing cov­ers of songs that Baxter wrote from 1992 – 2016.]

The pair were assisted by East Texas singer-song­writer and multi-instru­men­tal­ist Steve Fisher. The Friday class was held at Saint Paul’s United Methodist Church.

Gallery: Kids’ Harmonica Class


About Chris J. Zähller

International Man of Mystery. Cocktail Nerd. Occasionally designs websites. Sometimes snaps a picture or two.

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