Woodyfest 2019: Pushing Chain
Pushing Chain
Pushing Chain
Self-described “folky-tonk” duo Pushing Chain made [Sidenote: This is the twelfth post in our coverage of the twenty-second annual Woody Guthrie Folk Festival. We’ll be alternating our reporting with essays and photo galleries from the sixteenth festival in 2013, so check in often for a mix of old and new Woodyfest goodness.] their Woodyfest debut on the Bound for Glory stage on festival Friday. The pair, consisting of Boyd “Bump” Blomberg and Adam Moe, hail from northern Minnessota. Boyd plays guitar while Moe fiddles. Both write the songs and sing them.
The two have been playing together since 2012. Pushing Chain recorded their most recent long-player, Sorrows Always Swim, in 2018 in Austin. The recording session featured some legendary players, including Bill Kirchen of Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen fame.