OKIE-X Film Project FAQ
The The OKIE-X Project is a film portfolio project featuring photographic portraits of
- current & former Oklahoma musicians
- taken with a wooden large-format folding field camera
- using a 150-year-old lens
- on x-ray film.
The project goals include a gallery show and a book.
Essential Information
You are strongly encouraged to read all of this section before your OKIE-X portrait sitting. Just curious about the project? Please see the General FAQ.
- I want to participate. How do I qualify?
To qualify as a subject for the OKIE-X project, you must
- be a current or former Oklahoma resident,
- be a current or former singer, rapper, instrumentalist, songwriter, arranger, composer, or producer, and
- perform in public or make your music available to the public, either via physical media, download, or streaming.
Artists should fill out the Artists’ Survey before scheduling a sitting.
- How long are the portrait sessions?
Shoots typically take 5 – 10 minutes per subject. You are welcome to stay and watch me develop the negatives; allow about one hour extra if you want to see the darkroom process from start to finish.
- When is the cutoff for participation?
The portrait phase will last through
. At this time the cutoff is unknown. However, that could change any day. You should reserve your spot sooner, rather than later, if you want to participate.- What should I wear?
Wear something you’d like to be photographed in. Many subjects wear the same thing they wear on stage. Some bring several costume changes. Feather boas, loincloths, and glitter all strongly encouraged.
Bear in mind that x-ray film is blind to red, so any red clothes, makeup, or props will be black or dark grey in the final black-and-white image. This is not a prohibition on red; just don’t expect it to render as medium-grey as it would on modern panchromatic films.
- May I bring my (guitar) (drum) (dog) (spouse) (bowling trophy) (Ouija Board)?
Feel free to bring an instrument or an object of personal significance. Spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, and pets are welcome. Firearms are not.
- Where is the studio?
The studio is in Norman, Oklahoma. Please use the contact form at the bottom of this page to request my studio address and phone number.
- When is the studio available?
The studio is set up most weekdays, and if it isn’t, I can have it operational with an hour’s notice. Tell me when you are available and I will work with your schedule.
The typical studio schedule is:
- Monday: 11 AM – 7 PM
- Tuesday – Thursday: 10 AM – 7 PM
- Friday 10 AM – 2 PM
All portraits are by appointment only.
- When will I get to see my portrait? Will I get a copy?
I’m not showing the final images to anyone outside the studio at the moment, but hope to do so as the project nears completion. You will receive a digital file and a limited license for your press kit.
- Anything else I should know?
I live with a cat, so if you’re allergic, you may want to take appropriate measures before visiting the studio.
General Information
- Who has participated?
- John Calvin Abney
- Brad Absher
- Andy Adams
- Leigh Adams
- Troy Alan
- Shandee Allen
- David Amram (Honorary OKIE)
- Miranda Arana
- Charlie Archer
- Lynne Ashby Neill
- Taylor Atkinson
- Alaina Avants
- Jesse Aycock
- Grace Babb
- Sophia Babb
- Gabriel Barham
- Sean Barker
- Edward Barrett
- Lauren Barth
- Joe Baxter
- Jerrod Beck
- Dale Bennett
- Laine Bergeron
- Byron Berline ( – )
- Peyton Bighorse
- Tim Blake
- Steve Boaz
- Johnny Bohlen
- Nate Borofsky
- Mark Brashear
- Rachel Brashear
- Cora Brinkley-Gutel
- Garrison Brown
- Nathan Brown
- Gabrielle Bruner
- Dave Bruster
- Kris “Buck” Buchanan (“Buck Wild”)
- Wink Burcham
- Blake Burgess
- Tim Burgess
- Marlin Butcher
- Katie Butts
- Michael “Tic-Tac” Byars
- David Carlyle
- Giovanni N. “Nooch” Carnuccio III
- Sherree Jane Chamberlain
- Lysandra Chapman (Lysandra Dial)
- Kinsey Charles
- Lauren Nicole Clare
- Nellie Marie Clay
- K. C. Clifford
- Gene Collier
- Kenneth E. Collins
- Don Conoscenti
- John M. Cooper
- Chelsey Cope
- Zac Copeland
- Dave Copenhaver
- Bob Cornelison (“B. C. Rimshot”)
- Clarissa “Cid” Costello
- Ryan Costello
- Tory Ayers Costello
- Gentry Counce
- Paul Courtney
- Lindsey Cox
- Randall Coyne
- Samantha Crain
- Amanda Cunningham
- Brian Daniel
- Arash Davari
- J. Kyle Davis
- Abigale Dawn
- Jared Deck
- Patrick “Red” Dennis
- Bob Deupree
- Molly Devine
- Manda Shae Dickinson
- Kate Dinsmore
- Marcus Dixon
- Wayne Duck
- Daniel Duggin
- Justin Dupuis
- Donald Eisenberg
- Jonathan Eldridge
- Jurine Elkins
- Lincka Elizondo
- Mark Elliott
- Kailey Ann Emerson
- Carolyn Esmon
- Nicole Van Every
- Adrian Falwell
- Kalyn Fay
- Carrie Felter
- Tanya Felter
- Brad Fielder
- Donovan Fite
- Elizabeth Forsythe (“Eliza Bee”)
- Christopher Foster (Poppa “Piano” Foster)
- Daniel Foulks
- Jared Tyler Frederick
- Bob French
- John R. Fullbright
- Adrienne Gilley
- Mike Gilliland
- David Goad
- Matt Goad
- Louise Goldberg
- Javier González
- Victor Gramm
- Tim Gregory
- Joshua Griffin
- Carly Gwin
- Holly Hall
- Jeremy Hall
- Juli Hall
- Jim Halsey
- Gabriel Knight Hancock
- Camille Harp
- Isaiah Harrell
- Kurt Lochner Harrington
- Jimmy Harris
- Ali Harter
- Morgan Hartman
- Jordan Hehl
- Melissa Hembree
- Leigh Adams Henglein
- Michael Henneberry
- Shane Henry
- Leslie “Balthazar” Hensley
- Meghanne Hensley
- José Hernández
- Susan Herndon
- Emily Hiltner
- “Reverend” Justin Hogan
- Josh Hogsett
- Mike Hosty
- Kristen Howard
- Matt Howard
- Rodney Hulsey (“Rodney Deus”)
- Benjamin Kyle Hutchins
- Cody Ingram
- Todd Jackson
- Evan Jarvicks
- Beau Jennings
- Mike Jenkins
- Chloe Johns
- John Johnson
- Joie Sherman Johnson
- Peggy Johnson
- Ronnie Johnson (“Grand National”)
- Sherman Johnson (“BiG WoRm”)
- Batiste Jones
- Jen Jones
- Ryan Jones
- David Allen Judy (“Danny Trashville”)
- Zachary Kaczka
- Chase Kerby
- Ryan Kilby
- Brent Krueger
- Jimmy LaFave ( – )
- Ike Lamb
- Teresa Lamb
- John Roffers Langdon
- Frank Lawrence
- Jim “Jaz” Lambeth
- Alex Larrea
- Mandii Larsen
- Dale Lawton
- David Leach
- Lauren Lee
- Robbie Lee
- Sawyer Lee
- Tyler Lee
- Cattie Lesley
- Tony LeSure (“LTZ”)
- Steve Liddell
- Joshua Lightfoot
- Tove Cornelia Margareta Lightfoot (née Thunell)
- Felix Linden
- Boyd Littell ( – )
- Spencer Livingston-Gainey
- Broderick “Brodie” Kelley Lockett
- Nathan Lofties
- Carson Lundeen
- Jimbro Lutz
- Dana McBride
- Joel McCall
- J. Michael McCarty
- Maggie McClure
- Eric “Red” McDaniel
- Jimmy McFall
- Caleb McGee
- Wess McMichael
- Kenn McSperitt
- Cynthia “Luxy” Machovic
- Steve Machovic
- Ryan Magnani
- Beau Mansfield
- Allen Martin
- Dan Martin
- Mark Martinez
- Sophia Massad
- Zach Massey
- Dirk Matthews
- T. J. Mayes
- Kyle Mayfield
- Kelli Mayo
- Jack Mayou
- Tyson Meade
- Nathanael “Than” Medlam
- Taylor “Shraz” Mercier
- Miilie Mesh
- Ronnie Meyer
- Jerry Meyers
- Bob Miller
- Jody Miller
- Parker Millsap
- Jon Mooneyham
- Gabriel Mor
- Derek Moore
- Maxwell Moore
- Agustin Morales
- Darla “Darlin’ Darla” Morgan
- Nick Morgan
- Cameron Lynn Morris
- Joel T. Mossman
- Will Muir
- Christophe Murdock
- Steve “Murf” Murphy
- Mike Myers
- Bradley Nance
- Colin Nance
- Zach Nedbalek
- John Noerdling
- Grant Nordean
- Dean “Dino” Northcutt
- Jude Northcutt
- Shara Nova
- Andy Nuñez
- Marian Love Nuñez
- Shaun O’Brian
- Erin O’Dowd
- Wesley Levi Parham
- Jill Park
- Seth Park
- Blake Parks
- Ellis Paul (Honorary OKIE)
- Cameron Peery
- Nia Personette
- Brad Piccolo
- Penny Pitchlynn
- Pauly Ray Plaster, Jr. (“Paüly Creep-Ø”)
- Ken Pomeroy
- Pam Potts
- Joey Powell
- Dan Price
- Thom Proctor
- Pilar V. Guarddon Pueyo
- Gary Pulpit
- Dustin Ragland
- Taylor Michael Rapp
- Denovan Ratcliffe
- Adam Ray
- Kristin Reed
- Charley Reeves
- Samuel Regan
- Billy Reid
- Kyle Reid
- Sarah Reid
- Rick Reiley
- Mary Catherine Reynolds
- Jeff Richardson
- Felina Rivera
- Buffalo Rogers
- Dustin Rose
- Michael Rose
- Morgan Routt
- Mark Rubin
- Shawna Russell
- Lexi Sacco
- Ricky Salthouse
- Carter Sampson
- Brian Sanders
- Chris Sanders
- Mike Satawake
- Lacy “Changemonger” Saunders
- Matt Scheuber
- Sephra Scheuber
- Donna Settlemires
- Joe Settlemires
- Steve Short
- Marty Simon
- Dorian Small
- Jason D. Scott
- Jason P. Scott
- Chelsea Smith
- LeeMychael Smith
- David “Shorty” Short
- Chavez Soliz
- Charlie Spears
- Michael Stafford
- Elecktra Stanislava
- Medeia Starfire
- Kevin Stark
- M. Bailey Stephenson
- Christopher Stevens
- Frank Stevens
- Dylan Stewart
- Tory Stinnett
- Emily Alexander Sunderson
- Scott Sunderson
- Jason Swanson
- Christine Taylor (Christine Jude)
- Monica Taylor
- Danielle Tipton
- John Thomas
- Nadia Thomas
- Nikolas “Kite” Thompson
- Jason Tillis
- Cali Tonnu
- Jacob Tovar
- Grayson Trice
- Jennifer Tripi
- Curnita “Cooki” Turner
- Scott Twitchell
- Charmane M. Vaianisi
- RT Valine
- Chase Vegas
- Paige Vernon
- Daniel Walker
- Todd Walker
- Eric Walschap
- Bryan Walters
- Christi Wans
- Morgan Ward
- Terry “Buffalo” Ware
- Wendell “Wink” Ware
- Tania Warnock
- Bobby Lee Warren
- Dan Warren
- Levi Watson
- Kevin Webb
- Kristine Kamen Wendt
- April Wenzel
- Cheryl Lynn White (“Starr Lynn Raven”)
- Kierston White
- Chad Whittle
- Larry Whittle
- Jonathan Wilkerson
- Jonathan Blake “Jabee” Williams
- Katie Williams
- Robert S. “Bob” Williams
- David Wilson-Burns
- Andrew “Drew” Winn
- Jonathan Winston
- Justin Witte
- Hannah Wolff
- J.J. Wood
- T.Z. Wright
- Ray Wyssmann
- Bryndon York
- Richie Zenner
… with more scheduled soon.
- When will the portraits be shown? Where will they be shown?
The gallery show should occur in the 1st or 2nd quarter of , with the location to be announced as the date approaches.At this time I don’t know when or where the show will hang. I will announce it on social media and also here when I know. The best way to stay updated on OKIE-X is to sign up for the newsletter. If you’ve sat for the project, please ensure that I have your current contact information.- What’s the deal with x-ray film? I thought x-rays were dangerous!
X-ray film isn’t directly exposed by x-rays (except for dental x-ray film). In a clinical setting, the x-rays cause a special screen to emit visible light, which in turn exposes the film. As such, using the film photographically isn’t inherently dangerous. It’s very similar to ordinary photographic film and can be handled and developed in much the same way, but it has some special characteristics:
- It’s sold in large sheets. I buy 8×10″ film in boxes of 100 and trim it with a guillotine cutter to fit my 4×5″ film holders.
- It’s orthochromatic: it has a greater spectral sensitivity than really old materials, e.g., wet plate collodion, but it’s still not sensitive to all visible light, like modern panchromatic films. As of the film I use is sensitive to blue
and greenlight, but blind to red.- Because it’s ortho, I can work with it under a safelight.
- The final image looks different from conventional film because of the film’s inability to see most of the colors visible to the human eye — so red objects are very dark, and minor blemishes, freckles, and other facial features are more distinct.
- Most x-ray film has emulsion on both sides — twice the emulsion, half the patient exposure to hard radiation. The film I
usebegan the project with has emulsion on only 1 side, and, like modern panchromatic films, has an anti-halation dye layer on the back. In , I switched to conventional x-ray film. - The emulsion is very soft and requires careful handling.
- What kind of camera are you using?
I’m making the portraits with a cherrywood Wista 45DX. It folds down quite compactly and weighs less than a 35mm SLR. It has a leather bellows, an extending rail with rack and pinion focus, and numerous front and back movements (tilt, shift, rise and fall, and swing), which allow various focusing effects and perspective corrections. I recently contacted Wista, who told me the camera was manufactured in 1984.
- What lens are you using?
Beginning in , I changed lenses, as noted in the updated information below.
The lens is a
105mm ƒ/3250mm ƒ/4 “in barrel” brass Petzval formula lens, roughly 150-years-old.Most likely, it was a magic lantern or projector lens.It hasno aperture control andno shutter. I’ve fitted an old Packard #6 pneumatic shutter to the lens hood to control the exposure and to fire the studio lights. I chose the Petzval for its sharp center and “swirly” out-of-focus periphery. The lens’s dreamlike, surreal look cannot easily be reproduced by conventional means.- What are you doing to promote the project?
I’m using all the usual social media channels, along with directly contacting the musicians and talking to the public. Additionally, I am in discussion with a major local daily newspaper and a local television station to do stories on the project. More on that as things develop (in every sense of the word).
- I’m not a musician, but I’d like to help.
You can help spread the word by telling your friends about OKIE-X and by linking to this FAQ on social media. If you are a business owner and would like to discuss corporate sponsorship, please contact me.
Contact Form
Please use this form to request the studio location and my mobile phone number, as well as to ask any other questions about the OKIE-X project. [Sidenote: This site is protected by reCAPTCHA. The Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.]