Audrey Auld (III)

Audrey Auld at the Crystal Theatre — Woody Guthrie Folk Festival

The Show

The Show

Although singer-song­writer Audrey Auld describes her style as music with the dirt left on, that’s dirt from a dis­tinctly dif­fer­ent hemi­sphere — the south­ern one. Born in Australia and raised in the Tasmanian bush, she was exposed to music early on (her father played jazz piano and her step­fa­ther was in a jazz band). Moving from clas­si­cal vio­lin in pre-ado­les­cence to punk rock in her teens, she finally landed on coun­try music as an adult, even­tu­ally releas­ing an EP, Audrey [Sidenote: The EP has, sadly, gone out of print, but is avail­able on the Reckless Records Garage Sale com­pi­la­tion.] with Bill Chambers in 1997.

Auld cur­rently lives in Nashville, per­form­ing and record­ing under her mar­ried name, Audrey Auld-Mezera. She has released over a dozen albums, with her lat­est, Tonk, just out. 



About Chris J. Zähller

International Man of Mystery. Cocktail Nerd. Occasionally designs websites. Sometimes snaps a picture or two.

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