Ramsay (II)

Ramsay Midwood at Music4Moore

The Benefit Concert

The Tornado

On 3 May 2013, at approx­i­mately 2:46 PM, a tor­nado touched ground near Oklahoma City. The mile-wide twister would even­tu­ally travel 20 miles over a period of roughly forty min­utes, becom­ing an EF5 tor­nado and leav­ing death and destruc­tion in its wake as it dev­as­tated the sub­urb of Moore. The final death toll stood at twenty-four. Hundreds more were injured or left homeless.

The Concert

Within a day or so of the storm’s pass­ing, music pro­moter Steven White and local busi­ness­man Jonathan Fowler were orga­niz­ing Music4Moore, a ben­e­fit con­cert for the tornado’s vic­tims. Scores of local and regional musi­cians donated their time, along with local busi­nesses and ven­dors and dozens of vol­un­teer work­ers, with all pro­ceeds going to the Red Cross of Central and Western Oklahoma.

The orga­niz­ers set up three stages: two stages for tick­ethold­ers at the Bricktown Events Center, and an out­door stage, free and open to the pub­lic. The out­door stage later moved to the Wormy Dog Saloon due to inclement weather. The Queen of Rock ’n’ Roll, Wanda Jackson, head­lined along with Broken Arrow native and crit­i­cally acclaimed rhythm and blues revival­ist JD McPherson. Also appear­ing were:

Texas singer-song­writer Ramsay Midwood trav­eled from Austin with his band to per­form on the west stage, enter­tain­ing the audi­ence with his rootsy Southern Gothic songs. Accompanying him were gui­tarist Bill Mullins, bassist Jeff Johnston, drum­mer Scott Mason and spe­cial guest and Norman musi­cian Daniel Foulks (IIIrd Generation Bluegrass Band, Samantha Crain) on fiddle. 

When I bumped into Music4Moore orga­nizer Steven White at the GourdsSummer Breeze Concert Series per­for­mance in Lions Park last week, he asked if I’d pub­lished the pic­tures from Ramsay’s set any­where. I had to admit I hadn’t processed any pho­tos from the ben­e­fit — I shot over 750 pic­tures that night — but that I’d let him know as soon as they were ready. So, even ’though I’d planned to deal with images of the head­lin­ers first, I changed my mind and worked on these instead. This is for you, Steven. 


About Chris J. Zähller

International Man of Mystery. Cocktail Nerd. Occasionally designs websites. Sometimes snaps a picture or two.

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