The Big Sign

#YesAllDaughters Student Walkout & Protest




This arti­cle has been updated to clar­ify the rôles of Danielle Brown, Kim Wright, and Stacey Wright within the campaign.


Since this article’s pub­li­ca­tion, Norman School District super­in­ten­dent Dr. Joe Siano has agreed to many of the students’s demands.


An online cam­paign to bring atten­tion to Norman High School and local law enforcement’s response to the alleged rape of 3 female Norman High School stu­dents, all by the same male stu­dent, cul­mi­nated in a mass stu­dent walk­out and rally in front of the school . The cam­paign and demon­stra­tion were orig­i­nally orga­nized by a coali­tion of stu­dents, their par­ents, and citizens.

Demonstrators Chant for Peace

Megaphone — #YesAllDaughters Student Walkout & Protest

According to a story pub­lished in the Norman Transcript, the protest is in response to the per­ceived fail­ure of the school admin­is­tra­tion to pro­vide ade­quate pro­tec­tion from bul­ly­ing of the alleged vic­tims. The arti­cle goes on to iden­tify stu­dent Danielle Brown, her mother, Kim Wright, and her aunt, Stacey Wright as spokesper­sons for the group.

School prin­ci­pal Scott Beck responded to the charges in a let­ter released to par­ents on . In the let­ter, Beck said the school took the strongest dis­ci­pli­nary action against against the alleged assailant per­mit­ted by Oklahoma law. The school is coöper­at­ing with local law enforce­ment in inves­ti­gat­ing the alleged crimes.

#YesAllDaughters spokesper­son Stacy Wright is quoted in the Transcript arti­cle as claim­ing that 1 of the alleged vic­tims was har­rassed upon her attempt to return to school after being raped. She was ver­bally attacked when she walked into school. It was a group of girls who threat­ened her. She had just made it to the doors on her first day back, said Wright.

Norman Police Department Captain Tom Easley declined com­ment due to the ages of the accused rapist, the alleged har­rassers, and the alleged victims.



About Chris J. Zähller

International Man of Mystery. Cocktail Nerd. Occasionally designs websites. Sometimes snaps a picture or two.

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