Cleveland County Election Board Sign & Seal

Early In-Person Absentee Voting, 2018 Mid-Terms, Cleveland County, Oklahoma

Early Voting Today thru Saturday

Early In-Person Absentee Voting thru


Clev­e­land County res­i­dents may cast early in-per­son absen­tee bal­lots at the Cleveland County Election Board at 641 East Robinson Street (just east of the fair­grounds) begin­ning today. Polls are open from and , and again from on .

Voters should allow about a half-hour to vote, depend­ing on what time of day they arrive. Additional park­ing is avail­able at the fair­grounds. Voters should present one of the fol­low­ing forms of I.D.:

  • A cur­rent Oklahoma driver’s license
  • A cur­rent photo ID issued by Oklahoma, the US gov­ern­ment, or a fed­er­ally rec­og­nized tribal government
  • A mil­i­tary photo ID
  • A county elec­tion board voter ID card

Voters in Line (I) — Cleveland Co., Oklahoma 2018 Midterm Election Early In-Person Absentee Voting
Voters in Line (I) — Cleveland Co., Oklahoma 2018 Midterm Election Early In-Person Absentee Voting

In addi­tion to vot­ing to fill the posi­tions of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Auditor and Inspector, Treasurer, Superintendent of Public Construction, Labor Commissioner, an open State Senate seat, County Commissioner, and County Sheriff, vot­ers will decide on five state questions:

  • Lifting cer­tain restric­tions on optometrists and opti­cians oper­at­ing from retail spaces
  • Adding lan­guage to the state con­sti­tu­tion guar­an­tee­ing addi­tional rights to crime victims
  • Changing the cur­rent sys­tem of Governor and Lieutenant Governor run­ning on their own tick­ets to one in which they run on a com­bined ticket
  • Establishment of a new State Trust Fund
  • Expanding per­mis­si­ble uses of Ad Valorem taxes for school dis­tricts. Currently, such taxes must typ­i­cally be used only for dis­trict build­ing funds

Voters will also decide whether to retain sit­ting judges. [Sidenote: Readers, this writer has a con­fes­sion to make. In past elec­tions, I have been too busy (or too lazy) to research judges. I’ve always just ticked off the Yes box on judi­cial reten­tion. The past two years have seen record num­bers of judges appointed to impor­tant seats under the cur­rent admin­is­tra­tion. Some of those nom­i­na­tions have been con­tro­ver­sial, to say the least. Others might have been as con­tentious, had they not slipped under the radar or been buried in the news cycle by a cer­tain Twitter account. This year I researched the jus­tices before vot­ing and it became clear there were some I’d rather not see keep their seats. I’m espe­cially trou­bled by Justice Wyrick. The Leadership Conference have writ­ten about him here.] The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Oklahoma Chapter has con­ducted thor­ough, non-par­ti­san research on all the judges. I urge you to read and draw your own con­clu­sions. Remember to jot down the names of the judges for when you go to the polls.



About Chris J. Zähller

International Man of Mystery. Cocktail Nerd. Occasionally designs websites. Sometimes snaps a picture or two.

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