Woody Guthrie

Woodyfest 2018: Randy Crouch, Johnny Irion, & John Fullbright

This writer had only one offi­cial assign­ment (cov­er­ing gritty soul-singer Opal Agafia) at the big out­door stage on fes­ti­val Saturday. Red Dirt leg­end Randy Crouch pre­ceded her. Unfortunately, his set coin­cided with my only chance to eat din­ner before I had to be back

Woodyfest 2018: Willis Alan Ramsey

In my sopho­more high school year, my fam­ily moved from the house we had been rent­ing in the sub­urbs to a five-acre home­stead in the coun­try. Whereas pre­vi­ously we had lived within walk­ing dis­tance of pri­mary, mid­dle, and high schools, hence­forth my sib­lings and I would ride the bus.

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