Medium Format Photography

3 Score Times around the Sun

This week­end, I cel­e­brated my six­ti­eth birth­day sur­rounded by friends and fam­ily. If you had told me I would be doing so weeks ear­lier, I wouldn’t have believed you. But thanks to an accel­er­at­ing COVID-19 vac­ci­na­tion roll­out, every­one had had at least one of the two-dose vac­cines, with most of us hav­ing received both. My won­der­ful sis­ter Kim V.… Read More …

The Valentine’s Day Blizzard, Norman, Oklahoma

On Valentine’s Day, 2021, a mas­sive win­ter storm pushed across the cen­tral and south­ern US plains, plung­ing tem­per­a­tures to record-break­ing lows and dump­ing sig­nif­i­cant snow over the affected areas. In the ensu­ing days, grid oper­a­tors enacted rolling black­outs and power out­ages affected mil­lions of Oklahoma and Texas res­i­dents. All 254 Texas coun­ties were affected. The tem­per­a­ture at… Read More …

National Night Out, Faculty Heights

Last Tuesday evening, the Faculty Heights neigh­bor­hood joined thou­sands of oth­ers across the U.S. to cel­e­brate National Night Out. National Night Out is an annual com­mu­nity-build­ing cam­paign that pro­motes police-com­mu­nity part­ner­ships and neigh­bor­hood cama­raderie to make neigh­bor­hoods safer, more car­ing places to live. Neighborhood res­i­dents gath­ered at host Miranda Arana’s homeMs. Arana has been wel­com­ing us to her home for our twice annual neigh­bor­hood gath­er­ings for decades. For this we are so very grate­ful. Thank you, Miranda! to share food and fellowship.

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