
My Brightest Diamond at Guestroom Records (OKIE-X Outtakes & Gallery)

My first encounter with the music of My Brightest Diamond was a track on a RED + HOT com­pi­la­tion. During the sum­mer break, my neighbor’s teenage daugh­ter and her friend used to hang out in my liv­ing room and spin CDs on my hi-fi. One day she brought over Dark Was the Night, the fif­teenth entry in the RED + HOT series.

Tim Easton: Exposition Interview & Gallery

I drove to Okemah in early December to see folk singer and song­writer Tim Easton. Easton was on the first leg of a multi-city record­ing ses­sion for his new album Exposition. After we had lunch at the Hen House Café I took some pic­tures of him work­ing in his makeshift

Musical Tributes at the Power House Bar

One of the most pop­u­lar recent broad­casts on KOSU the SPY FM’s Oklahoma Rock Show was their all Roger Miller pro­gram. When local musi­cian Jerrod Beck heard it this past June, he approached his friend, singer Gabriel Knight Hancock, with an idea. “What if we did a live Roger Miller cover show?” […]

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Circle of Confusion (Pt. 3)

I spent the next cou­ple of months obses­sively research­ing Leica cam­eras and lenses. I began by down­load­ing the owner’s man­ual for the M3 rangefinder. Then I prac­ticed com­pos­ing and focus­ing with no film in the camera. […]

I quickly real­ized that the lens that Joe had given me was imprac­ti­cal: the frame lines were too restrictive

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Circle of Confusion (Pt. 2)

… Then Joe took a trip to Roswell. As I men­tioned in Part 1, Joe rides motor­cy­cles: BMWs, Kawasakis, and more recently, a Harley. He’s also inter­ested in UFOs and the Roswell Incident. I think he’s more inter­ested in the char­ac­ters who are drawn to them than to the alleged aliens and space­craft themselves, […]

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Circle of Confusion (Pt. 1)

My best friend Joe Crumley is an inter­est­ing char­ac­ter. He grew up on a farm in west Texas, served his coun­try in Southeast Asia dur­ing a shoot­ing war, stud­ied at the University of Chicago with Aaron Siskind, founded and taught at the pho­tog­ra­phy pro­gram at Florida’s Daytona State College, rode motor­cy­cles from an early age, turned a job making

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